Cause of Head Deformation
조산 (Premature Birth)
Babies born earlier than scheduled have softer bones than those who weren’t, so changes in head shape may happen.
Cause of Head Deformation HANI HELMET
사경 (Torticollis)
Babies with torticollis have an unbalanced neck that may lead babies to sleep on a certain side. Consequently, the back of the head may become flat and asymmetric.
Cause of Head Deformation HANI HELMET
다태 (Multiple Birth)
When there are more than one babies in the mother’s womb, the crowded space may lead to changes in head shape.
Cause of Head Deformation HANI HELMET
잘못된 자세 (Positional)
If babies frequently sleep on a certain side, that side may become flat, the more the babiesdo so.
Cause of Head Deformation HANI HELMET